Incognito Marketing in Colorado Springs, Colorado is a full service advertising agency, website design and logo graphic design firm

Phone: 719-633-8616  |  E-mail

Your Story Told, Your Product Sold  -  Since 1974

“Incognito is exceptional. Greg designed our logo and was very patient as we went through several iterations. He also designed an incredible marketing brochure for the company. Top notch! “

Alex Senkoff, M.D.

Veritas Management Group.


"Greg is great at taking the information and coming up with ideas, . . . he knows how to

present products that are difficult to present and promote, . . . has created good response to trade journal ads in a field where you usually don't get responses."


Robin Mason, VP Sales & Marketing

Velcon Filters


"Greg's greatest strength is that you can give him a direction and he takes it over from there. You can turn him loose and trust that it will be done and done well."


Milt Sommers, President & CEO

Drummer Tweeds


Strategy  |  Websites  |  Logos  |  Graphic Design  |  Photography  |  Copy


Strategic Messaging and Branding


We help you define your ideal customers, (and decision makers), determine what they want and need, clarify what makes you different and how they will benefit, (what’s in it for them). Then we craft a Master Story to be used in all marketing, advertising and communications.


Your story, combined with consistent logo usage, graphic style, colors and message result in a positive memorable brand.



Website Design & Development


Many websites look nice, but are not clear about what the company does or why you should buy from them. They have confused the technology with the story.


It’s all about the story.


You have only 5 seconds to capture the attention of a viewer on your home page.


Based on your Master Story, we design and build a website that communicates quickly what makes you different.


Of course, websites have to be easy to navigate, download quickly and work across all platforms, but without the Story, they are just technology.





Traditional advertising is not out of date. The major brands continue to invest in it because it still works.


When combined with your website, print ads, direct mail, corporate image/product brochures, television, radio and outdoor reinforce your brand identity and build trust.


Incognito helps you determine how much of your budget should go to traditional advertising and selects the appropriate media to effectively reach the right people.


We then design your advertising to tell your story with powerful words and pictures.




Graphic Design and Logos


Powerful images combined with the right words, colors, shapes, textures and composition tell your Story with emotional force.


Incognito’s graphic design utilizes the psychology of attraction, breaking rules to get attention, but is always focused on simplicity and clarity.


It is not design to win awards, but design to communicate and get results.



Copy Writing


Technology changes constantly, creating new formats for your message.


What does not change is your Story.


Incognito’s copy writing is focused on clearly communicating what makes you different and translating those differences into benefits, (what’s in it for them).


We write copy in house and also contract with outside copywriters, based on the style required. (technical, humorous, medical, political, etc.)



Photography & Illustration


Worth a thousand words . . .

Images show and sell with clarity and emotion, demonstrating your Story.


Incognito creates images of products, locations, people and processes in house and with the help of outside photographers and illustrators.

Incognito marketing logo design
logo design for marketing for manufacturing and website design

Marketing for Manufacturing

and Export Assistance


Incognito has special expertise in helping manufacturers grow their businesses and in the marketing of goods around the world.

gold foil seal stating Incognito Marketing is a bona fide genius at website design, logo design and advertising in colorado springs
e-mail us button to get a quote for website design, logo design and advertising

Home  |  About  |  Samples  |  Manufacturing  |  Contact  |  E-mail  |  Phone: 719-633-8616

Incognito Marketing  |  2527 W. Colorado Avenue,  Suite 207  | Colorado Springs, CO 800904

© Copyright 2014 Incognito Corporation - All rights reserved